


About a sick man killing all comic artists. His aim: erase comics permanently from our culture. The story explores how he becomes such a cruel soul and character. (Coming from Hanover I admit we have an unfortunate history in this topic but expertise nonetheless). And it states why comics are important for us in inventing stories and creating new pictures. Published at BEATCOMIX.

This is what CULTURMAG wrote: „Neue Superhelden braucht die Welt“ von Brigitte Helbling„...  Als Comic-Zeichner hat Probst in diesem Jahr mit „Comic-Killer“ beim Dresdner Verlag Beatcomix sein erstes Album vorgelegt, zeichnerisch und erzählerisch ein grandios verpunktes Meisterstück, ...“

I am really proud that some of my dearest friends, beloved and admiered artists, have contributed some character interpretations of their own to the album. It is really a joy for me to see their pages: of Mamei, Georg von Westphalen and Till Lassmann

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COMIC-Killer: Extract

COMIC-Killer: Sketches

Cover illustration



Have fun to explore.